
Online Sources

Electronic databases in libraries are like treasure troves of information. They’re digital collections of organized data that house a wide array of resources, from scholarly articles and journals to e-books, multimedia content, and more. These databases cover various subjects, catering to the diverse needs of researchers, students, and patrons seeking reliable information.

Libraries subscribe to these databases, providing users access either on-site through library computers or remotely via login credentials. The databases often offer advanced search capabilities, allowing users to filter information by keywords, dates, authors, and other criteria. This helps streamline research and locate specific information efficiently.

These platforms are instrumental in academic research, providing access to peer-reviewed articles, case studies, historical archives, and specialized content that might not be readily available through general internet searches. Additionally, they often offer citation tools, helping users properly reference the information they use in their own work.

Libraries frequently curate a selection of databases tailored to the interests and needs of their patrons. Some popular database providers include EBSCOhost, ProQuest, JSTOR, PubMed, and more, each offering access to a vast collection of materials in specific fields like medicine, science, humanities, and business.

The availability of electronic databases has significantly expanded the scope of information accessible to library users, fostering an environment where knowledge is both abundant and easily accessible.

Online Resource Databases

  • JSTOR is a trusted source for scholarly journals and books in many disciplines.
  • Harvard Business Review (HBR) provides business knowledge and insights for leaders.
  • Oxford Journals Collection offers a comprehensive resource for researchers across a wide range of subjects.
  • Cambridge Journals Online delivers high-quality academic research across a wide range of disciplines.
  • Royal Society Journals Collection is a leading scientific publisher covering a wide range of research areas.
  • IMF eLibrary provides access to International Monetary Fund (IMF) publications and data.
  • Edward Elgar Publishing publishes high-quality academic content in economics, finance, and related fields.
  • Research4Life is a global partnership that provides researchers in developing countries with access to scientific literature.
  • Asian Development Bank publishes development research publications freely available through its Open Access Repository.
  • World Bank Open Knowledge Repository provides free and open access to its research publications.
  • United Nations Digital Library provides access to UN documents and publications.
  • United Nations Information Centre, Kathmandu, disseminates information about the UN and its work in Nepal. You can access their archive of publications and resources.
  • Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.