Library Management Committee

Library Management Committee

The Library Management Committee (LMC) at Kathmandu Model College (KMC) plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient functioning of the college library. Let’s delve into the details of their responsibilities and objectives:


~To develop the library as a resource center for acquiring additional knowledge.

~To develop reading culture in the faculties, students and staff of the college.

~To upgrade the library with the contextual needs and based on program college offers.

~To increase services and accessibility to the college library for teachers, students, staff and outside readers.


The coordinator of the LMC shall be member of board of directors or Program Director. The member includes Librarian, Library Expert, Members of Board of Directors, Faculty, Students and Staff. The member shall be inclusive of gender, ethnicity and wider-college community.

The committee will be formed with the following members. 

Patron: Surendra Subedi, Principal

S.N. NameResponsibility
1Dr. Durga Jung K.C.Coordinator
2Program DirectorMember
3Research DirectorMember
4Head of Finance DepartmentMember
5Chief LibrarianMember Secretary
6Student Representative (boy)Member
7Student Representative (girl)Member


The meeting of LMC will be at-least once in every month. The additional meetings can be hold if required in the consultation with the college chief. The venue for the meeting will be Library room or meeting hall of the college. The meeting shall gain the legitimacy with presence of more than 50% of the members.


The duration of the committee shall be for two years. The Board of Directors can approve the extension of same committee for next one cycle. 

Remember, the library truly is the heart of an institution, and the LMC’s efforts contribute significantly to its vitality!